Vote por Shayla D. Lynch el 8 de noviembre para el Concejo Municipal del 2do Distrito
¿Dónde está el Distrito 2?*
Los vecindarios incluyen: St. Martin's Village, Griffin Gate, Georgetown Street Area, Masterson Station, Coventry, Kearney Hall y Belmont Farms, por nombrar solo algunos.
Las escuelas incluyen: Elementary- Arlington, Booker T. Washington, Coventry Oak, Deep Springs, Harrison, Mary Todd, Northern, Russell Cave, Sandersville y William Wells Brown, Middle- Bryan Station, Lexington Traditional Magnet y Winburn, High- Bryan Station y Paul Laurence Dunbar, Otros: Rise STEM Academy for Girls, STEAM Academy, Success Academy, The Learning Center y The Stables
Los lugares turísticos y comunitarios incluyen: Black and Williams Neighborhood Center, Town Branch Trail, Masterson Station Park, Legacy Trail, Whitney Young Park y Coldstream Park.
Some of the neighborhoods located in the 2nd District include St. Martin's Village, Griffin Gate, Georgetown Street Area, Masterson Station, Coventry, Kearney Hall and Belmont Farms, to name just a few. It is home to Sandersville Elementary School, Coventry Oak Elementary School, STEAM Academy, Locust Trace AgriScience Center, Rise STEM Academy for Girls and the Black and Williams Neighborhood Center.
Additionally, the 2nd District has some great tourism and recreational opportunities including the the Town Branch Trail, Masterson Station Park, the Legacy Trail, Whitney Young Park, and Coldstream Park.